New Year Resolutions For Nurses That Should Be On Your List

new year resolutions for nurse

If you’re still beating yourself up for not being able to keep your resolutions last year, don’t worry. 2021 is another chance for you and hopefully, you’ll be able to stick to your goals this time.

After all, it’s all about not giving up, right?

But, what exactly should be on your list this 2021?

Nursebuff believes that for a nurse to be able to fulfill his role of delivering quality care to his patients, he must first take care of himself. And because of that, we’re listing down the most important New Year’s resolution for nurses you shouldn’t miss this year.

Eat Healthy

eat healthy

Nurses spend all their time taking care of others that we sometimes fail to look after ourselves. We’ve written down tips and hunted down easy-to-do recipes for you busy nurses.

Get Enough Sleep

get enough sleep

Humorously, they say that it’s a sign of old age when your idea of relaxation is getting a good nap. Well, this is applicable to sleep-deprived nurses, too! Here are some of our tips on how to keep yourself healthy despite having to take the graveyard shift.

Get Real Exercise

real exercise

Nurses walk and move around A LOT but all those movements don’t really equate to healthy exercise. If you want to get stronger and healthier this year, check out all these exercise ideas we’ve featured for you.

Be Gorgeous

be gorgeous

Whatever shift you’re working on, you have to make sure you look your best. Knowing that you look good can brighten your day, boost your self-esteem, and make you more confident to face your patients.

And besides, you wouldn’t want to look sicker than your patients, right?

Now, looking your best doesn’t have to mean applying layers and layers of makeup. In case you missed them, here are our top beauty articles to help you look and feel great this year.

Earn More

earn more

If last year has been a bit tough on your finances, take this year as an opportunity to earn more, supplement your income or set up a passive source of income to secure your future. Here are some articles to help you get started.

Take That Much-Needed Vacation

With all the things you do and roles you need to fill in, you definitely deserve a break. And if you’ve been setting aside that dream vacation for some time now, 2021 is definitely your year.

Check out our most recommended destinations for nurses.

Nurses, if you succeed at even just one of your resolutions for this year, you’re already a winner. So, take out a pen and paper and draw up that new year’s list stat!