Mental Health Archives - NurseBuff Nursing Humor and Lifestyle Blog Fri, 03 May 2024 13:19:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What If I Experience Racism as a Nursing Student? Wed, 21 Feb 2024 18:56:25 +0000

Do nursing students experience racism? Before we answer that question, let’s bring it back and explore the term racism itself. Racism is defined as assaults on the human spirit in the form of actions, biases, prejudices, and an ideology of superiority based on race, which persistently causes moral suffering and physical harm of individuals and […]

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Top 15 Stress-Busting Tips For Night Shift Nurses Fri, 01 Dec 2023 01:00:54 +0000

Do you always dread working night shifts? Nurses would love to have normal working hours if given the chance. But night shifts are part of our job, and we don’t have any choice but to suck it up and deal with it. If you’re a night shift nurse, don’t fret. With the right planning and […]

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ICU Nurses and Burnout: How to Protect Yourself Fri, 12 Jun 2020 01:39:55 +0000

Working in the Intensive Care Unit or ICU isn’t for the faint of heart. Usually, the patients there are the sickest ones in the hospital. This means that the patients there require nurses who are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. Such demand puts ICU nurses at an increased risk of experiencing Burnout Syndrome. What is […]

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Using Gratitude Against Burnout: One Nurse’s Experience Mon, 21 Jan 2019 10:37:51 +0000

I remember the exact moment where I realized I was utterly and completely burnt out from nursing. At two o’clock in the morning on that night shift, it was a very, very close call that I didn’t quit the profession altogether. It had started out as a long and busy shift, with admission after admission. […]

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Warning Signs of Nursing Stress And Burnout Tue, 27 Nov 2018 12:02:19 +0000

Nursing stress and burnout is more common than you think. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why a lot of nurses aren’t able to deliver quality care to their patients. It’s also a reason why a huge number of nurses quit or change profession. Because of that, it’s important that you know the warning […]

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10 Best TED Talks for Nurses Tue, 28 Aug 2018 22:02:48 +0000

We’ve got a treat for you today – TED talks nursing videos. TED talks are some of the most motivational discussions online. We’ve rounded up some of the most interesting, fascinating, and eye-opening TED talks on nursing and health care we could find. Eric Dishman: Health care should be a team sport When Eric Dishman […]

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What To Do When Reality Shock In Nursing Sets In Tue, 27 Feb 2018 10:11:32 +0000

When you’re in nursing school, it’s easy to feel confident. After all, you’re learning everything you need to know. You’re getting good grades and you’re acing your clinicals. What could possibly go wrong? Unfortunately, once you start a new job, being the class president or top student won’t matter. You’ll have to establish credibility and […]

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Depression Among Nurses: It’s Real Fri, 07 Apr 2017 10:23:27 +0000

Every day, nurses experience a great deal of stress. You’re thinking of problems at work, people relying on you for their care, and tons of responsibilities piling up at home. With so many things to do and think about, it’s tempting to just quit and leave — but you can’t. And that’s where things start […]

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7 Best Free Meditation Apps for Stressed Nurses Sat, 15 Oct 2016 00:57:14 +0000

Nursing is a very demanding job and it’s become normal for nurses to feel stressed and fatigued on the job. We’d like a long vacation in a beautiful, exotic beach but while that’s in the realm of the impossible, we can make do for now with simple but feasible things like reading books, exercising, and meditating […]

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Top 5 Benefits of Meditation for Nurses Fri, 16 Sep 2016 23:48:40 +0000

For nurses, stress is inevitable. Every day, we face a lot of challenges that affect the way we care for our patients. When not addressed properly, these challenges can affect even our personal lives,too. To make sure none of these things happen, here are few ideas and benefits of meditation for nurses you should know. […]

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10 Inspiring Songs To Help With Grief Tue, 23 Feb 2016 21:17:03 +0000

For nurses who have lost loved ones at any time in their lives (whether patients or relatives), we’re sharing ten inspiring songs to help with grief. Music is a transcendental experience. It can help us recall loved ones, process grief, and hopefully, ultimately find a peaceful place within us so that we can bid goodbye the important […]

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21 Rallying Songs For Nurses (Get Pumped!) Tue, 06 Oct 2015 21:57:09 +0000

For days when even the most inspiring quote or meme can’t pep you up for work, what you need are some high-energy rallying songs for nurses. There’s nothing like inspiring music to get that blood pumping. Whether you want to let off steam or get an extra dose of adrenaline, here is a special selection we’ve lined […]

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12 Ways Nurses Can Beat Compassion Fatigue Sat, 12 Sep 2015 17:44:34 +0000

Compassion fatigue in nursing is a common problem rarely recognized by nurses. Most nurses often mistakenly identify compassion fatigue as simple work burnout. The two, after all, are usually found in nurses who are starting to nurse on empty. They even have similar symptoms. However, compassion fatigue is completely different as it has more emotional involvement […]

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How Do Nurses Deal with Death—10 Advice From Fellow Nurses Sun, 30 Aug 2015 00:54:55 +0000

How do nurses deal with death? Have you had to ask this question to yourself recently? Death is not a surprising topic for those working in the medical field. Even then, it is exhausting for nurses to cope with this kind of loss especially when patients get close to their hearts. It’s painful to know that you […]

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15 Stress Relieving Hobbies For Nurses (#13 is Unusual!) Fri, 28 Aug 2015 00:31:13 +0000

When you buy something using the links on our posts, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Learn more. Are you looking for stress-relieving hobbies for nurses? Every nurse should have at least one fun diversion. As the name suggests, hobbies “divert” your attention from the rigors and stress brought […]

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11 Viral Nursing Videos That Will Inspire You Sat, 25 Jul 2015 00:40:11 +0000

Watching inspirational nursing videos is one way to unwind after a long day at work. Sometimes, the constant stress and pressure of being a nurse can tear your spirit down. You will feel the need for a reminder that nursing is a priceless and incomparable profession so you could refresh your passion and motivation at work. […]

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How to Prevent Nurse Burnout and Achieve Work-Life Balance Sat, 18 Jul 2015 01:19:30 +0000

Nurses nowadays list nurse burnout as one of the major reasons for leaving the nursing profession. According to a 2011 survey by the American Nurses Association, three out of four nurses cited the effects of stress and overwork as a top health concern. Apart from wreaking havoc with one’s health, work burnout plays a role in the […]

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20 Ways Nurses Can Beat Depression Wed, 15 Oct 2014 13:43:58 +0000

Whether we like it or not, 9% of American adults suffer from depression, most of whom are health care professionals like nurses. Nursing burnout may be caused by years of long work hours and extremely high levels of stress. If not properly managed, this may lead to depression, which then affects a nurse’s productivity at […]

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Top 5 Tips To Become A Happier Nurse Mon, 23 Jan 2012 08:10:15 +0000

Are you feeling sad, bored and gloomy? Do you think that you’re having the worst day of your life? If you answered a resounding “YES” for both, then read these 5 easy-to-follow tips below to make yours a better and brighter day: 1. Exercise your worries away Who says nurses are excused for daily work-outs? You […]

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