10 Nursing Shadow Boxes on Pinterest That Will Inspire You To Make Your Own

Nurse Shadow Box

Nurse shadow boxes are a perfect way to preserve special memories from nursing school. And, it seems fellow nurses are in agreement because these pins get their fair share of repins and likes on Pinterest.

A shadow box is an enclosed glass case that contains objects of personal and sentimental value. There is usually a unifying theme that ties all the objects together. For nurse shadow boxes, the most common theme is graduation from nursing school.

Let’s take a look at some of the shadow boxes that nurses have put together and pinned on Pinterest.

1. Nurse Courtney’s Shadow Box

Nurse Courtney’s shadow box commemorates her graduation. It is very simple yet it tells a story, like all good shadow boxes should.

From Courtney’s shadow box, we can see her graduation cap, her graduation photo, her school ID, and her green scrub suit with the name of the school that she graduated from (for those with good eyesight) stitched on the front. We love the designs made on top of the cap that ties everything together.

nurse shadow boxes

2. California State U Nurse Shadow Box

You’d be surprised but this humble photo already has 3.5k repins as of writing.  Similar to Nurse Courtney’s nurse box, this shadow box also celebrates one nurse’s graduation.

From the photo, we can see an orange scrub suit from the California State University, a pin, a school ID, possibly a card from the graduation ceremony, and what looks like a cutout from a newspaper or a magazine. (Don’t you just love it when you get featured in the paper?!)

Again, the graduation cap is decorated this time with a nursing cap, the graduation year, and the three happy letters that proclaim you a finisher – BSN.

nursing school shadow box

3. Inspiring Dreams Nurse Shadow Box

Now here’s a shadow box created to provide constant inspiration to its nurse owner.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them…” The person who crafted this shadow box borrowed the inspiring words of Walt Disney, a perfect role model for turning dreams into reality. Decorating the shadow box are all of a nurse’s tools and equipments including a stethoscope, syringe, sterile gloves, and whatnot.

It seems that its nurse owner is not the only person inspired by this shadow box if we go by the 3.4k repins this photo has received.

If you were to make your own inspiring nurse shadow box, what quote would you choose and why?

nurse shadow box

Also Read: 50 Inspirational Nursing Quotes for Graduation

4. Nurse Felicia’s Graduation Shadow Box

Nurse Felicia’s shadow box is also a graduation shadow box. However, the contents are slightly different from the others that we’ve seen so far.

We can spy the usual school id and nursing uniform, but we also see a photo of Felicia garbed in her nursing uniform, her class, and a pocket version of the Psalms and Proverbs.

An important thing to remember when you are planning the contents of your shadow box is to make sure that your shadow box reflects the truest you. After all, it’s not unlikely that your children and your grandchildren will be asking you about it someday.

nursing shadow box

5. Nurse Emily’s Graduation Shadow Box

Nurse Emily shares her graduation shadow box with Pinterest users. Instead of a decorated graduation cap though, she makes her nursing degree certificate the focal point of her shadow box.

Emily also includes her school pin, the name tag she wore to clinicals, and the actual stethoscope she used during school.

nursing shadow boxes

6. Nurse Tia’s Bling-y Graduation Shadow Box

This shadow box is very simple yet very elegant and tasteful. The otherwise boring color palette is enlivened by bling on the name of the owner and other fluorishes. (Did we mention how much we love bling?!)

The three Greek letters on the left-hand corner signify the nurse’s affiliation.

shadow boxes

Also Read: 10 Gorgeous Pins for Graduation

7. Shadow Box of Photos and Miniatures

Now here’s a very visual shadow box. This nurse pays tribute to the friendships and ties that she has made in nursing school. Her photos appear to include close friends, possibly professors, and family members.

Very noticeable also is the recurring Lamp of Knowledge in her shadow box, possibly their school logo. First, we see the lamp in the small badge on the left side, and we also see the medium-sized ceramic lamp sitting on the box frame of her shadow box.

Our favorite part (apart from the photos) has got to be the miniatures though. We love the attention to detail. Don’t you think the nursing cap, nursing gown, stethoscope, pad and paper are just too cute?

nurse school shadow box

8. Nurse Ariel’s Graduation Shadow Box

Nurse Ariel writes, “Finally finished my shadow box from Fall 2013 graduation! But I love the way it turned out!”

We love how it turned out too!

graduation shadow boxes

9. Nurse Pat’s Retirement Shadow Box

This is easily one of our favorite nurse shadow boxes ever. This shadow box was put together by a fellow nurse, Nurse Bren, with the help of their boss and other fellow nurses.

Inside this shadow box are encapsulated millions of memories of a nurse who has spent years serving hundreds upon hundreds of patients. What better way to pay homage to those memories with a personally crafted shadow box?

Nurse Bren added Nurse Pat’s nostalgic photos like her capping ceremony.  Also in the shadow box are her bandage scissors, name badge pins, hospital newsletter cut-out, an orientation manual from 25 years ago, her stethoscope sewn to the backing, and Pat’s favorite scripture verse.

“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength in whom I will trust.”

retired nurse shadow box

Also Read: 10 Best Jobs for Older Nurses

10. American Red Cross Medic Shadow Box

The owner of this shadow box appears to be an American Red Cross medic. It is common for Red Cross workers to be stationed overseas especially during the war and this particular shadow box shows stamps, a Red Cross badge, a nostalgic photo, and a handwritten note.

This really makes us wish we could scrutinize this in detail. Imagine the stories on this particular shadow box!

nice shadow box

We hope that our nurse shadow boxes inspire you to make your own. They are truly a wonderful (and romantic) way to preserve precious memories for our future selves.

Next week, we’re sharing how to DIY your own shadow boxes. Watch out for that!

If we missed anything in the descriptions above or want to make suggestions or requests, drop by and message us via our FB page!